Appendix:Units of measurement

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This page provides an overview of the units of measurement used in Laenkean languages.

Associated template is {{SI}}, which redirects back to this page.

Base units

Base units
English Laefevian Radestrian Riyan
Unit name Unit symbol Quantity name Unit name Unit symbol Quantity name Unit name Unit symbol Quantity name Unit name Unit symbol Quantity name
second s time padda p turun haķs h hremía
metre m length niljet n baudde tvâles tl páne
kilogram kg mass žuht ž žoǧwirs cuova c vajus
ampere A electric current jøršinj j jørkyngwirhêl
kelvin K thermodynamic
ormytêlj o ormytoǧe
mole mol amount of substance det d þamjêvens ôðulônau
candela cd luminous intensity





Units of definite time
English Laefevian Radestrian Riyan
Name Symbol or
Length Name Symbol or
Length Name Symbol or
Length Name Symbol or
nanosecond ns 10−9 s hroǧepadda hp 10−9 p
millisecond ms 10−3 s ênepadda
êp 10−3 p
centisecond cs 10−2 s palepadda
pp 10−2 p
decisecond ds 10−1 s lônepadda
lp 10−1 p
second s 1 s padda p or pd 1 p haķs h 1 h
minute min or m 60 s žyhda žd or ž 60 p varsts v 60 h
hour h or hr 60 min tuonda t or td 60 žd dvoðuns 60 v
day d 24 h nol nl or n 24 t dvuoþs d or dv 24 dð
week w or wk 7 d najost na 6 nl areans a 6 d
hlejost 7 nl lians l 7 d
month mo 28–31 d hlwêhda hld 5–6 nl (dzestasans) 5–6 d
eda ed or e 5 na hjárs hj 5 a / 5–6 d
year yr or y 12 mo êro êr or ê 12 ed + 1 hld nvents n 13 hj
decade 10 yr šaljêrent 10 êr sjelua 10 n
century 100 yr aršêrent art 100 êr reșonents rn 100 n
millennium 1000 yr sinjêrent 1000 êr lenirenents ln 10 rn



List of prefixes
English Base 10 Laefevian Radestrian Riyan
Name Symbol Name Symbol Name Symbol Name Symbol
quetta- Q 1030 sjelenire·
ronna- R 1027 forenire· F
yotta- Y 1024 dregenire· D
zetta- Z 1021 lienire· Ł
exa- E 1018 narenire· N
peta- P 1015 oenire· O
tera- T 1012 aenire· Y
giga- G 109 urǧo- u lirenire· Z
mega- M 106 ôrto- ô atenire· A
kilo- k 103 siro- s lenire· l
hecto- h 102 aršo- a reșo· r
deca- da 101 šalo- š sjele· s
deci- d 10−1 lône- l sjie· se
centi- c 10−2 pale- p reșlie· re
milli- m 10−3 êne- ê lenirje· le
micro- μ 10−6 fine- f atenirje· a
nano- n 10−9 hroǧe- h lirenirje· z
pico- p 10−12 aenirje· y
femto- f 10−15 oenirje· o
atto- a 10−18 narenirje· n
zepto- z 10−21 lienirje· ł
yocto- y 10−24 dregenirje· d
ronto- r 10−27 forenirje· f
quecto- q 10−30 sjelenirje·