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  • 23:46, 17 January 2025 (hist | edit) ‎[338 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr|colloquial|<la> (contraction)|homophones|Lá}} === Contraction === {{head|rad|contraction }} # ''contraction of'' {{affix|rad|la|a}}; {{eng|in}}({{eng|into|to}}) {{eng|the}} === Noun === {{head|rad|noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|las|dat|sg|t=stove}} ==== Verb ==== {{head|rad|verb form }} # {{inflection of|rad|lát|depers|sg|npst|ind|t=to drink}}")
  • 23:39, 17 January 2025 (hist | edit) ‎[169 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr|homophones|lá}} === Proper noun === {{head|rad|proper noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|Lás|dat|sg}}")
  • 12:38, 4 January 2025Z (hist | edit) ‎[1,651 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{coined|rad}} in the 1960s to resolve the dilemma of the extant prefix {{m|rad|lenire·|t=kilo-}} already having the symbol {{m|rad|l}}. While ''L'' was not used as a symbol, the ''giga-'' and ''nano-'' pair were given the same letters in their respective case for consistency, via an additional stroke to the base letter, i.e. ''Ł'' and ''ł''. These developed in written form to ''Z'' and ''z'', ultimately favoured for their dispositio...")
  • 00:48, 4 January 2025sjavíre (hist | edit) ‎[131 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{head|rad|noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|sjavír|nom/voc|pl}}")
  • 00:48, 4 January 2025sjaví (hist | edit) ‎[127 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{head|rad|noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|sjavír|gen|sg}}")
  • 00:47, 4 January 2025sjavír (hist | edit) ‎[595 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{affix|rad|sjaus|-ír}} {{root|rad|lnk-pro|kjæl-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=sjaví |pl=sjavíre |adj=sjavíș |label=count}} # {{eng|ten}}, {{eng|tenner}} (number, score, playing card, banknote etc.) ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|sjav|eG}}")
  • 00:25, 2 January 2025ernøsiens (hist | edit) ‎[492 bytes]Ashucky (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Laefevian== {{lexember|2024|31|l=lfv}} === Etymology === {{root|lfv|lnk-pro|ⁿdæws-}} {{root|lfv|lfv|nøs-}} From {{affix|lfv|ernøsis|-ens|t1=attached|t2=-ness, -hood, -ship}}. ===Pronunciation=== {{lfv-pr}} * {{rhymes|lfv|ernøsiens|ens}} * {{hyphens|lfv|er|nø|si|ens}} ===Noun=== {{lfv-noun|acc=ernøsiense|du=ernøsiensund|pl=ernøsiensir}} # {{eng|attachment}} {{lfv-noex}} ====Declension==== {{lfv-dec-nc|ernøsiens|u}} {{lfv-noinfl}} ====Translations==== {{t...")
  • 00:22, 2 January 2025ernøsurvad (hist | edit) ‎[511 bytes]Ashucky (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Laefevian== {{lexember|2024|31|l=lfv}} === Etymology === {{root|lfv|lnk-pro|ⁿdæws-}} {{root|lfv|lfv|nøs-}} From {{affix|lfv|ernøsad|-urvad|t1=to attach|t3=mediopassive suffix}}. ===Pronunciation=== {{lfv-pr}} * {{rhymes|lfv|ernøsurvad|urvad}} * {{hyphens|lfv|er|nø|sur|vad}} ===Verb=== {{lfv-verb|1=pf|2=mdp|pres-3s=ernøssurvas|rem-3s=ernøšyrvis}} # to {{eng|get}} {{eng|attach|attached|pos=Verb}} {{lfv-noex}} ==== Conjugation ==== {{lfv-noinfl}} ====Transl...")
  • 00:14, 2 January 2025ernøsad (hist | edit) ‎[715 bytes]Ashucky (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Laefevian== {{lexember|2024|31|l=lfv}} === Etymology === {{root|lfv|lnk-pro|smir-}} {{root|lfv|lfv|nøs-}} From {{affix|lfv|er-|nøsad|pos1=movement onto or into|t2=to tie, to bind}}. ===Pronunciation=== {{lfv-pr}} * {{rhymes|lfv|ernøsad|ad}} * {{hyphens|lfv|er|nø|sad}} ===Verb=== {{lfv-verb|1=pf|pres-3s=ernøssas|rem-3s=ernøšis|vn=ernøsoð|pass=ernøsis}} # to {{eng|tie|pos=Verb}}, to {{eng|attach}}, to {{eng|rope}} (up), to {{eng|fasten}} #: {{d+|sl|navezati}...")
  • 19:44, 1 January 2025ymurvjans (hist | edit) ‎[576 bytes]Ashucky (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Laefevian== {{lexember|2024|31|l=lfv}} === Etymology === {{root|lfv|lnk-pro|hum-}} {{root|lfv|lfv|ym-}} From {{affix|lfv|ymurvja|-ens|t1=belonger|t2=-ness, -ship, -hood}}. ===Pronunciation=== {{lfv-pr}} * {{rhymes|lfv|ymurvjans|ans}} * {{hyphens|lfv|y|mur|vjans}} ===Noun=== {{lfv-noun|acc=ymurvjanse|dat=ymurvjansun|du=ymurvjansund|pl=ymurvjansir}} # {{eng|belonging}}, {{eng|affiliation}} #: {{d+|sl|pripadništvo<g:n>|pripadnost<g:f>}} {{lfv-noex}} ====Declension===...")
  • 19:41, 1 January 2025ymurvja (hist | edit) ‎[653 bytes]Ashucky (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Laefevian== {{lexember|2024|31|l=lfv}} === Etymology === {{root|lfv|lnk-pro|hum-}} {{root|lfv|lfv|ym-}} From {{affix|lfv|ymurvad|-ja|t1=to belong|t2=-er}}. ===Pronunciation=== {{lfv-pr}} * {{rhymes|lfv|ymurvja|a}} * {{hyphens|lfv|y|mur|vja}} ===Noun=== {{lfv-noun|acc=ymurvjade|dat=ymurvjan|du=ymurvjand|pl=ymurvjar}} # {{eng|belonger}}, {{eng|member}} #: {{d+|sl|pripadnik<g:m>|pripadnica<g:f>}} #: {{syn|lfv|þwiddu}} {{lfv-noex}} ====Declension==== {{lfv-dec-nv|ymur...")
  • 21:11, 30 December 2024Letvusk (hist | edit) ‎[139 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{head|rad|proper noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|Letua|gen|sg}}")
  • 21:11, 30 December 2024Svâgusk (hist | edit) ‎[140 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{head|rad|proper noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|Svâga|gen|sg}}")
  • 21:11, 30 December 2024Sjúvusk (hist | edit) ‎[140 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{head|rad|proper noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|Sjuova|gen|sg}}")
  • 21:10, 30 December 2024Letua (hist | edit) ‎[770 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|Litura}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|Litwor}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|Litɣor}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|Litghós}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|lajtʼ-|litʼgʱós}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|lajtʼ-}} {{cog|rad|ard=Ligo}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |an|or|in |gen=Letvusk }} # {{label|rad|animate|Radestrian|_mythology}} {{w|Litow}} ({{topic|rad|deities|text=g...")
  • 20:54, 30 December 2024Svâga (hist | edit) ‎[869 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|Svuggra}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|Slŭɣɣor}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|Slıhɣor}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|Sləhghós}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|sloh-|sl̥hgʱós}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|sloh-}} {{cog|rad|ard=Slygo}}. The {{m+|rad-o|Slŭwwra}} is expected, but is thought to have been influenced by other Radic languages. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |...")
  • 20:47, 30 December 2024Cerers (hist | edit) ‎[489 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === Borrowed Category:Radestrian borrowed terms from {{wikt+|Latin|Ceres}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |an|or|in |gen=Cereru }} # {{label|rad|animate|oow|_myth}} {{eng|Ceres}} (Roman {{topic|rad|deities|text=goddess}}) # {{lb|rad|inanimate|oow|_astronomy}} {{eng|Ceres}} (dwarf planet) #: {{syn|rad|Svâga<pos:in-world>}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Cere|r}} ==== See also ==== {{Table...")
  • 20:40, 30 December 2024Sjuova (hist | edit) ‎[702 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|Șúvra}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|Šuwwra}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|Šuhɣor}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|Chuhghós}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|cʰɯwh-|cʰuhgʱós}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|cʰɯwh-}} {{cog|rad|ard=Šugo}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |an|or|in |gen=Sjúvusk }} # {{label|rad|animate|Radestrian|_mythology}} {{w|Showe}} ({{topic|rad|deitie...")
  • 20:24, 30 December 2024Dvúvúr (hist | edit) ‎[139 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{head|rad|proper noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|Dvúa|ins|sg}}")
  • 20:24, 30 December 2024Dvuon (hist | edit) ‎[139 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{head|rad|proper noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|Dvúa|dat|sg}}")
  • 20:24, 30 December 2024Dvuosk (hist | edit) ‎[173 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{head|rad|proper noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|Dvúa|gen|sg}}")
  • 20:22, 30 December 2024Dvúa (hist | edit) ‎[769 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|Dvúra}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|Dlowra}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|Dulɣor}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|Ḏulghós}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|dɯwl-|dulgʱós}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|dɯwl-}} {{cog|rad|ard=Dulgo}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |an|or|in |gen=Dvovusk |dat=Dvuon |ins=Dvúvúr }} # {{label|rad|animate|Radestrian|_mythology}} {{w|Dulle}} ({{...")
  • 20:01, 30 December 2024Vausk (hist | edit) ‎[138 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{head|rad|proper noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|Voà|gen|sg}}")
  • 20:01, 30 December 2024Deșusk (hist | edit) ‎[139 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{head|rad|proper noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|Deșa|gen|sg}}")
  • 20:00, 30 December 2024Deșa (hist | edit) ‎[739 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|Dișra}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|Dišra}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|Dišɣor}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|Ḏic̱ghós}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|dæjc-|dicgʱós}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|dæjc-}} {{cog|rad|ard=Diško}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |an|or|in |gen=Deșusk }} # {{label|rad|animate|Radestrian|_mythology}} {{w|Dishe}} (primordial {{topic|rad|...")
  • 19:47, 30 December 2024Járu (hist | edit) ‎[139 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{head|rad|proper noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|Járs|gen|sg}}")
  • 18:51, 30 December 2024Hjedua (hist | edit) ‎[742 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|Hjidura}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|Hidwor}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|Hidɣor}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|P̄iḏghós}}, {{m|hrd-pro|Hiḏghós}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|pɯd-|pidgʱós}}, {{m|lnk-pro|hæjd-|hidgʱós}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|pɯd-|hæjd-}} {{cog|rad|ard=Hirgo}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |an|or|in |gen=Hjedvusk }} # {{label|rad|anima...")
  • 18:44, 30 December 2024Voà (hist | edit) ‎[726 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|Vaura}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|Vawra}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|βaɣor}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|Bhaghós }}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|bʱan-|bʱn̥gʱós}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|bʱan-}} {{cog|rad|ard=Vavo}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |an|or|in |gen=Vausk }} # {{label|rad|animate|Radestrian|_mythology}} {{w|Vow}} (primordial {{topic|rad|deities|t...")
  • 18:23, 30 December 2024Stvovía (hist | edit) ‎[752 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|Stvuvíra}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|Stlŭwijra}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|Stlıwiɣor}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|Stləḇighós}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|(s)tælb-|(s)tl̥bigʱós}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|(s)tælb-}} {{cog|rad|ard=Šyvigo}}. Near {{doublet|rad|nocap=1|slavue|t=war}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |an|or|in |gen=Stvoviesk }} # {{label|ra...")
  • 18:18, 30 December 2024Iruòvúr (hist | edit) ‎[138 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{head|rad|proper noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|Irua|ins|sg}}")
  • 18:18, 30 December 2024Iruusk (hist | edit) ‎[138 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{head|rad|proper noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|Irua|gen|sg}}")
  • 18:07, 30 December 2024Irua (hist | edit) ‎[794 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|Jruhra}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|Jrŭhra}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|Jrıhhor}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|Jrəhkhós}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|ɟroh-|ɟr̥hkʰós}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|ɟroh-}} {{cog|rad|ryn=Rjyga<pos:Riyan goddess of love>}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr|<Irwa>}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |an|or|in |gen=Iruusk |ins=Iruòvúr }} # {{label|rad|animate|Radestrian|...")
  • 17:39, 30 December 2024minâse (hist | edit) ‎[184 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{head|rad|noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|minâs}}: ## {{inflection list|voc|sg}} ## {{inflection list|nom/voc|pl}}")
  • 17:39, 30 December 2024minâsk (hist | edit) ‎[126 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{head|rad|noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|minâs|gen|sg}}")
  • 17:38, 30 December 2024minâs (hist | edit) ‎[692 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|minuss}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|minuhθur}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|minuhθur}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|minúḵthus}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|(s)mojk-|(s)minúktʰus}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|(s)mojk- (to slip away)-}} {{cog|rad|lfv=minyhtessa<t:asteroid>|lus=minudu|ard=minus}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr|colloquial|<mins>}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=minâsk |pl=minâse |adj=m...")
  • 17:29, 30 December 2024Hrevusk (hist | edit) ‎[139 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{head|rad|proper noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|Hreva|gen|sg}}")
  • 17:27, 30 December 2024Hreva (hist | edit) ‎[798 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|Hrevra}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|Hrewra}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|Hirɣor}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|P̄irghós}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|pajr-|pirgʱós}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|pajr-}} {{cog|rad|ryn=Firga<pos:Riyan goddess of time>}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |an|or|in |gen=Hrevusk }} # {{label|rad|animate|Radestrian|_mythology}} {{w|Rew}} ({{to...")
  • 17:05, 30 December 2024Járs (hist | edit) ‎[456 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inh|rad|rad-m|Êrs}}, borrowed from {{borrow|rad|lfv|êrs}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun|head=*a* {{SUBPAGENAME}} |in |gen=Járu }} # {{label|rad|astronomy}} the planet {{eng|Earth}} #: {{synonyms|rad|Hlýgans}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Já|r|def=1}} ==== Derived terms ==== {{columns|rad |járjesta<t:tellurium> }} ==== See also ==== {{Table:planets/rad}}")
  • 16:57, 30 December 2024Plútuons (hist | edit) ‎[494 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === Borrowed Category:Radestrian borrowed terms from {{wikt+|Latin|Pluto}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |an|or|in |gen=Plútuong }} # {{label|rad|animate|oow|_myth}} {{eng|Pluto}} (Roman {{topic|rad|deities|text=god}}) # {{lb|rad|inanimate|oow|_astronomy}} {{eng|Pluto}} (planetoid) #: {{syn|rad|Letua<pos:in-world>}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Plút|ú~uo|n}} ==== See also ==== {{Tab...")
  • 16:53, 30 December 2024Neptuons (hist | edit) ‎[494 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === Borrowed Category:Radestrian borrowed terms from {{wikt+|Latin|Neptunus}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |an|or|in |gen=Neptuong }} # {{label|rad|animate|oow|_myth}} {{eng|Neptune}} (Roman {{topic|rad|deities|text=god}}) # {{lb|rad|inanimate|oow|_astronomy}} {{eng|Neptune}} (planet) #: {{syn|rad|Sjuova<pos:in-world>}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Nept|ú~uo|n}} ==== See also ==== {{...")
  • 16:48, 30 December 2024Úrans (hist | edit) ‎[481 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === Borrowed Category:Radestrian borrowed terms from {{wikt+|Latin|Uranus}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |an|or|in |gen=Úrang }} # {{label|rad|animate|oow|_myth}} {{eng|Uranus}} (Roman {{topic|rad|deities|text=god}}) # {{lb|rad|inanimate|oow|_astronomy}} {{eng|Uranus}} (planet) #: {{syn|rad|Dvúa<pos:in-world>}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Úra|n}} ==== See also ==== {{Table:planets...")
  • 16:46, 30 December 2024Sáturns (hist | edit) ‎[486 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === Borrowed Category:Radestrian borrowed terms from {{wikt+|Latin|Saturnus}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |an|or|in |gen=Sáturg }} # {{label|rad|animate|oow|_myth}} {{eng|Saturn}} (Roman {{topic|rad|deities|text=god}}) # {{lb|rad|inanimate|oow|_astronomy}} {{eng|Saturn}} (planet) #: {{syn|rad|Hjedua<pos:in-world>}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Sátur|n}} ==== See also ==== {{Table:p...")
  • 16:23, 30 December 2024Merkârj (hist | edit) ‎[143 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{head|rad|proper noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|Merkârș|gen|sg}}")
  • 16:23, 30 December 2024Mársk (hist | edit) ‎[140 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{head|rad|proper noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|Márts|gen|sg}}")
  • 16:13, 30 December 2024Márts (hist | edit) ‎[478 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === Borrowed Category:Radestrian borrowed terms from {{wikt+|Latin|Mars}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |an|or|in |gen=Mársk }} # {{label|rad|animate|oow|_myth}} {{eng|Mars}} (Roman {{topic|rad|gods|text=god}}) # {{lb|rad|inanimate|oow|_astronomy}} {{eng|Mars}} (planet) #: {{syn|rad|Stvovía<pos:in-world>}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Már|t}} ==== See also ==== {{Table:planets/rad}}")
  • 04:17, 30 December 2024Merkârș (hist | edit) ‎[491 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === Borrowed Category:Radestrian borrowed terms from {{wikt+|Latin|Mercurius}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun |an|or|in |gen=Merkârj }} # {{label|rad|animate|oow|_myth}} {{eng|Mercury}} (Roman god) # {{lb|rad|inanimate|oow|_astronomy}} {{eng|Mercury}} (planet) #: {{syn|rad|Hreva<pos:in-world>}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Merkâr|j}} ==== See also ==== {{Table:planets/rad}}") Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
  • 01:43, 30 December 2024va·pastuș (hist | edit) ‎[341 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{affix|rad|va·<t:neo->|pasts<t:age>|-ș}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Adjective === {{rad-adj |cmp=hevúb * |adv=va·pastoí |label=comp}} # {{lb|rad|dated}} {{form of|rad|vapastuș|pre-reform spelling}} ==== Inflection ==== {{rad-comp}} {{rad-decl|t=adj|va·past|o~u|ș}}")
  • 01:40, 30 December 2024vapastuș (hist | edit) ‎[506 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{affix|rad|va·<t:neo->|pasts<t:age>|-ș}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Adjective === {{rad-adj |cmp=hevúb * |adv=vapastoí |label=comp}} # {{eng|modern}} ==== Inflection ==== {{rad-comp}} {{rad-decl|t=adj|vapast|o~u|ș}} <!-- ==== Translations ==== --> {{t|rad|modern }}")
  • 01:15, 30 December 2024Hlýgeng (hist | edit) ‎[160 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{head|rad|proper noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|Hlýgans|gen|sg}}")
  • 01:15, 30 December 2024hlýgange (hist | edit) ‎[132 bytes]Jeremy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{head|rad|noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|hlýgans|nom/voc|pl}}")
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