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Renders an example sentence for a language entry.


Here's a sample usage as you might find with a definition. You can use *asterisks* to bold the sentence and gloss.

# to {{eng|write}} {{eng|in}}
#: {{ex|kil|Drazam wihurad haleṯad *lešēndah*.|I *wrote* my name in the book.|pl:Za*pisałem/am* swoje imię w książce.}}

This would render the below:

  1. to write in
    Drazam wihurad haleṯad lešēndah.
    I wrote my name in the book. — 🇵🇱 Zapisałem/am swoje imię w książce.

and would add the categories Kilitic terms with usage examples and Terms with Polish translations.


|1= (required)
The language code of the language that the example is in.
|2= (required)
The example sentence itself.
|3= (optional), |4=
Optional translations. Prefix with de:, sl: etc. to specify non-English language (see Module:languages-oow/data)
Whether the example is short enough that it can be shown inline.
An optional marker which, if set to true, will suppress any categories from being automatically added to the entry.