
This module houses data about the Laenkean languages. Be careful when editing! You must keep to Lua's format or it could break a lot of things.

To add a language, just place a new line along with the others of the following format:

["cod"] = {name = "My language", code = "cod", link = "Appendix:World/My_language", proto = false},
The name of the language
The language's code. This should be three letters and representative of the language's name. Middle, Old and Proto-languages should have -m, -o or -pro respectively tacked onto the end of their three-letter code. If you have multiple forms of a language, e.g Old Language and modern Language, the first three letter code should be the same with differing endings. For example, lng-o and lng.
This should be the Laenktionary page you want to be linked to when your language name appears as a link. Often this will be a world encyclopedia page about your language, though if you don't have one you can consider setting it to a link to your language's lemma category. Remember that category links need to start with a colon, e.g :Category:My language lemmas.
This is a true or false value. It should be set to true if your language is a proto-language (i.e reconstructed), and false if not. This determines whether an asterisk will appear next to terms in the language, and whether words in the language will have regular links or links via e.g. Appendix:Proto-Language.

return {
	-- Proto-Laenkean
	["lnk-pro"] = {name = "Proto-Laenkean", code = "lnk-pro", link = ":Category:Proto-Laenkean roots", proto = true},
	-- Aegestic
	["aeg-pro"] = {name = "Proto-Aegestic", code = "aeg-pro", link = ":Category:Proto-Aegestic lemmas", proto = true},
	["aeg-o"] = {name = "Old Aegestian", code = "aeg-o", link = ":Category:Old Aegestian lemmas", proto = false},
	["aeg"] = {name = "Aegestian", code = "aeg", link = "Appendix:World/Aegestian_language", proto = false},	
	-- Balavic
	["bal"] = {name = "Balavic", code = "bal", link = ":Category:Balavic lemmas", proto = false},
	-- Kilitic
	["kil"] = {name = "Kilitic", code = "kil", link = ":Category:Kilitic lemmas", proto = false},
	-- Laefevic
	["lfv-pro"] = {name = "Proto-Laefevic", code = "lfv-pro", link = ":Category:Proto-Laefevic lemmas", proto = true},
	["lfv-o"] = {name = "Old Laefevian", code = "lfv-o", link = ":Category:Old Laefevian lemmas", proto = false},
	["lfv-m"] = {name = "Middle Laefevian", code = "lfv-m", link = ":Category:Middle Laefevian lemmas", proto = false},
	["lfv"] = {name = "Laefevian", code = "lfv", link = "Appendix:World/Laefevian_language", proto = false},
	-- Hirdic
	["hrd-pro"] = {name = "Proto-Hirdic", code = "hrd-pro", link = ":Category:Proto-Hirdic lemmas", proto = true},
		-- Radic
		["rad-pro"] = {name = "Proto-Radic", code = "rad-pro", link = ":Category:Proto-Radic lemmas", proto = true},
			-- Lusetian
			["lus-o"] = {name = "Old Lusetian", code = "lus-o", link = ":Category:Old Lusetian lemmas", proto = false},
			["lus"] = {name = "Lusetian", code = "lus", link = "Appendix:World/Lusetian_language", proto = false},
			-- Radestrian
			["rad-o"] = {name = "Old Radestrian", code = "rad-o", link = ":Category:Old Radestrian lemmas", proto = false},
			["rad-m"] = {name = "Middle Radestrian", code = "rad-m", link = ":Category:Middle Radestrian lemmas", proto = false},
			["rad"] = {name = "Radestrian", code = "rad", link = "Appendix:World/Radestrian_language", proto = false},
		-- Riyan
		["ryn-pro"] = {name = "Proto-Riyanic", code = "ryn-pro", link = ":Category:Proto-Riyanic lemmas", proto = true},
		["ryn-o"] = {name = "Old Riyan", code = "ryn-o", link = ":Category:Old Riyan lemmas", proto = false},
		["ryn-m"] = {name = "Middle Riyan", code = "ryn-m", link = ":Category:Middle Riyan lemmas", proto = false},
		["ryn"] = {name = "Riyan", code = "ryn", link = "Appendix:World/Riyan_language", proto = false}