This template can be used to create a list of hypernyms for any taxonomic term.
For example,
- (phylum): hlikuêtêljir (“Eukaryota”, domain) — irisir (“Animalia”, kingdom)
The main taxonomic ranks are abbreviated to their first initial letter (e.g. o
for order), the related ranks above and below are abbreviated to their first three letters + the main rank letter, eg. suborder is subo
and infraorder is info
. Each rank abbreviation is followed by a number: 1
stands for the term in the target language, and 2
stands for the English translation of the term.
For proper rendering, the rank of domain must always be included.
The template currently supports the following ranks:
- domaink
- kingdomsupk
- subkingdominfk
- infrakingdomsupp
- superphylump
- phylumsubp
- subphyluminfp
- infraphylumsupc
- superclassc
- classsubc
- subclassinfc
- infraclassparc
- parvclasssupo
- superordero
- ordersubo
- suborderinfo
- infraorderparo
- parvordersupf
- superfamilyf
- familysubf
- subfamilyinff
- infrafamilysupt
- supertribet
- tribesubt
- subtribeinft
- infratribesupg
- supergenusg
- genussubg
- subgenusinfg
- infragenus
Longer example:
- (genus): hlikuêtêljir (“Eukaryota”, domain) — irisir (“Animalia”, kingdom) — elkwirfêljir (“Chordata”, phylum) — delgêljir (“Mammalia”, class) — þaranir (“Carnivora”, order) — nivimbuhtessir (“Caniformia”, suborder)