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  • 14:51, 31 October 2024hras (hist | edit) ‎[665 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|hrass}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|hrass}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|hırhs}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|ḵɯ́ḏɯḵɯs}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|kɯd-|kɯdɯkɯs}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|kɯd-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |an |gen=hrag |dat=hraga |pl=hrage |genpl=hrajes |cpd=hra- |adj=hrajeș |label=count}} # {{eng|crab}}, {{eng|crustacean}} {{topic|rad|animals}...")
  • 14:29, 31 October 2024sjuoga (hist | edit) ‎[707 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|șúgra}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|šŭvɣor}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|šıβɣor}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|khjəbhghós}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|kʰjabʱ-|kʰjabʱgʱós}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|kʰjabʱ-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |an |gen=sjúgusk |pl=sjúgore |cpd=sjúgu-|cpd2=sjúgo- |adj=sjúguș |label=count}} # {{eng|bull}} {{topic|rad|animals}} ==...")
  • 13:43, 31 October 2024pras (hist | edit) ‎[567 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|prass}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|præɣre}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|perhir}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|pérhis}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|pʼerh-}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|pʼerh-}} {{cog|rad|lfv=bier<t:goat>|lus=perri}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |an |gen=preg |dat=praga |pl=prage |cpd=pra- |adj=prejeș |label=count}} # {{eng|ram}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-de...")
  • 13:07, 31 October 2024zimpa (hist | edit) ‎[772 bytes]Ashucky (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Laefevian == === Etymology === {{root|lfv|lnk-pro|zjɯp-}} {{root|lfv|lfv|zimp-}} From {{inherit|lfv|lnk-pro|zjɯp-|zjipɯ́nɯs|t=a cat-like animal}}. === Pronunciation === {{lfv-pr}} * {{rhymes|lfv|impa}} * {{hyphens|lfv|zim|pa}} === Noun === {{lfv-noun|acc=zimpe|dat=zimpan|du=zimpand|pl=zimpar}} # {{eng|lion}} {{topic|lfv|animals|mammals}} # {{label|lfv|astrology|oow}} {{eng|Leo}} ==== Declension==== {{lfv-dec-vha|zimpa|zimp}} {{lfv-noinfl}} ==== Translations =...")
  • 12:44, 31 October 2024sjepjes (hist | edit) ‎[545 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === Borrowed from {{borrow|rad|lfv|šipies}}, a dialectal form of the standard {{m|lfv|šiepies}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|skjæp-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |an |gen=sjepjeg |dat=sjepíva |pl=sjepjei |cpd=sjepje-|cpd2=sjepí- |adj=sjepỉș |label=count}} # {{eng|scorpion}} {{topic|rad|animals}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|sjep|í~je|H}} ==== Derived terms ==== {{columns|rad |Sjepjes<t:Scorpio> }} ====...")
  • 12:13, 31 October 2024ziens (hist | edit) ‎[661 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|ziuns}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|zijŭns}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|źijıns}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|zjip̄ɯ́nɯs}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|zjɯp-|zjipɯ́nɯs}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|zjɯp-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |an |gen=zieng |pl=ziene |cpd=zien- |adj=zieniș |label=count}} # {{eng|lion}} {{topic|rad|animals}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|zie|...")
  • 12:04, 31 October 2024ruova (hist | edit) ‎[714 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|róvbra}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|rōvbræ}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|rōbber}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|rōḇbés}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|rwab-|r̥wbbés}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|rwab-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |an |gen=ruovisk |pl=ruovente|pl2=ruovere |cpd=ruove- |adj=ruoviș |label=count}} # {{eng|twin}} {{topic|rad|family|kinship}} ==== Declension ==...")
  • 02:34, 31 October 2024ruovente (hist | edit) ‎[169 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{head|rad|noun form }} # {{inflection of|rad|ruova|nom/voc|binary|pl}}; {{eng|twins}}") Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
  • 02:24, 31 October 2024Rúgovỉr (hist | edit) ‎[443 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{aff|rad|ruoga<t:snake>|vỉr<t:bearer>}} {{root|rad|lnk-pro|ʔirpʰ-|bʱajt-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun|head=*u* {{SUBPAGENAME}} |an |gen=Rúgovỉ |dat=Rúgoviea }} # {{label|rad|astronomy}} {{eng|Ophiuchus}} # {{label|rad|astrology|oow}} {{eng|Ophiuchus}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Rúgov|ieG|def=1|g=an}} ==== See also ==== {{Table:zodiac/rad}}")
  • 02:23, 31 October 2024Radvỉr (hist | edit) ‎[569 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{aff|rad|rads<t:water><pos:archaic>|vỉr<t:bearer>}} {{root|rad|lnk-pro|ʔard-|bʱajt-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun|head=*u* {{SUBPAGENAME}} |an |gen=Radvỉ |dat=Radviea }} # {{label|rad|astronomy}} {{eng|Aquarius}} # {{label|rad|astrology|oow}} {{eng|Aquarius}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Radv|ieG|def=1|g=an}} ==== Derived terms ==== {{columns|rad |radveỉr<t:Aquarius><pos:pers...")
  • 02:19, 31 October 2024Ebredzys (hist | edit) ‎[711 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{root|rad|lnk-pro|pʼerh-|ᵑgæb-}} From {{inh|rad|rad-o|Ebreddziwss}}, from {{aff|rad-o|nocap=1|ebreɣre<t:goat>|dzæwss<t:horn>}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun|head=*u* {{SUBPAGENAME}} |an |gen=Ebredziveg |dat=Ebredzya }} # {{label|rad|astronomy}} {{eng|Capricorn}} # {{label|rad|astrology|oow}} {{eng|Capricorn}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Ebredz|y^ive|H|def=1|g=an|dat=Ebredzya*|in...")
  • 02:14, 31 October 2024Sjepjes (hist | edit) ‎[571 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{root|rad|lnk-pro|skjæp-}} See {{m|rad|sjepjes|t=scorpion}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun|head=*u* {{SUBPAGENAME}} |an |gen=Sjepjeg |dat=Sjepíva }} # {{label|rad|astronomy}} {{eng|Scorpio}} # {{label|rad|astrology|oow}} {{eng|Scorpio}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Sjep|í~je|H|def=1|g=an}} ==== Derived terms ==== {{columns|rad |sjepỉr<t:Scorpio><pos:person> }} ==== Translations =...")
  • 02:11, 31 October 2024Vales (hist | edit) ‎[528 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{root|rad|lnk-pro|bʱyn-}} See {{m|rad|vales|t=scale}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun|head=*a* {{SUBPAGENAME}} |in |gen=Valig }} # {{label|rad|astronomy}} {{eng|Libra}} # {{label|rad|astrology|oow}} {{eng|Libra}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Val|e^i|H|def=1}} ==== Derived terms ==== {{columns|rad |valỉr<t:Libra><pos:person> }} ==== Translations ==== {{t|rad|Libra |lfv=*žovet* }} =...")
  • 02:08, 31 October 2024Ziens (hist | edit) ‎[519 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{root|rad|lnk-pro|zjɯp-}} See {{m|rad|ziens|t=lion}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun|head=*u* {{SUBPAGENAME}} |an |gen=Zieng }} # {{label|rad|astronomy}} {{eng|Leo}} # {{label|rad|astrology|oow}} {{eng|Leo}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Zie|n|def=1|g=an}} ==== Derived terms ==== {{columns|rad |zienír<t:Leo><pos:person> }} ==== Translations ==== {{t|rad|Leo |lfv=*zimpa* }} ==== See a...")
  • 02:06, 31 October 2024Hras (hist | edit) ‎[530 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{root|rad|lnk-pro|kɯd-}} See {{m|rad|hras|t=crab}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun|head=*u* {{SUBPAGENAME}} |an |gen=Hrag }} # {{label|rad|astronomy}} {{eng|Cancer}} # {{label|rad|astrology|oow}} {{eng|Cancer}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Hr|a|Ḥ|def=1|g=an}} ==== Derived terms ==== {{columns|rad |hragír<t:Cancer><pos:person> }} ==== Translations ==== {{t|rad|Cancer |lfv=*kajes* }}...")
  • 02:02, 31 October 2024Sjuoga (hist | edit) ‎[550 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{root|rad|lnk-pro|kʰjabʱ-}} See {{m|rad|sjauga|t=bull}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun|head=*u* {{SUBPAGENAME}} |an |gen=Sjaugusk }} # {{label|rad|astronomy}} {{eng|Taurus}} # {{label|rad|astrology|oow}} {{eng|Taurus}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Sjaug|o|def=1|g=an}} ==== Derived terms ==== {{columns|rad |sjaugvír<t:Taurus><pos:person> }} ==== Translations ==== {{t|rad|Taurus }}...") originally created as "Sjauga"
  • 02:01, 31 October 2024Pras (hist | edit) ‎[522 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{root|rad|lnk-pro|pʼerh-}} See {{m|rad|pras|t=ram}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun|head=*u* {{SUBPAGENAME}} |an |gen=Preg }} # {{label|rad|astronomy}} {{eng|Aries}} # {{label|rad|astrology|oow}} {{eng|Aries}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Pr|a^e|Ḥ|def=1|g=an}} ==== Derived terms ==== {{columns|rad |pragír<t:Aries><pos:person> }} ==== Translations ==== {{t|rad|Aries }} ==== See als...")
  • 01:59, 31 October 2024Amír (hist | edit) ‎[562 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{root|rad|lnk-pro|ʔam-}} See {{m|rad|amír|t=archer}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun|head=*u* {{SUBPAGENAME}} |an |gen=Amí }} # {{label|rad|astronomy}} {{eng|Sagittarius}} # {{label|rad|astrology|oow}} {{eng|Sagittarius}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Am|eG|def=1|g=an}} ==== Derived terms ==== {{columns|rad |amỉr<t:Sagittarius><pos:person> }} ==== Translations ==== {{t|rad|Sagittar...")
  • 01:55, 31 October 2024Vaiþs (hist | edit) ‎[524 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{root|rad|lnk-pro|bʱæ(j)n-}} See {{m|rad|vaiþs|t=virgin}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun|head=*u* {{SUBPAGENAME}} |an |gen=Vaisk }} # {{label|rad|astronomy}} {{eng|Virgo}} # {{label|rad|astrology|oow}} {{eng|Virgo}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|Vai|þ|def=1|g=an}} ==== Derived terms ==== {{columns|rad |vaiðír<t:Virgo><pos:person> }} ==== Translations ==== {{t|rad|Virgo }} ==== S...")
  • 01:12, 31 October 2024Ruovente (hist | edit) ‎[554 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{root|rad|lnk-pro|rwab-}} See {{m|rad|ruovente|t=twins}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun|head=*i* {{SUBPAGENAME}} |an|p |genpl-du=Ruoventis }} # {{label|rad|astronomy}} {{eng|Gemini}} # {{label|rad|astrology|oow}} {{eng|Gemini}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=dupl|Ruov|e|def=1|g=an}} ==== Translations ==== {{t|rad|Gemini |lfv=*orðêlj* }} ==== See also ==== {{Table:zodiac/rad}}")
  • 01:04, 31 October 2024þarnies (hist | edit) ‎[606 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|þranrnéss}}, from {{affix|nocat=1|rad-m|þrans<t:animal>|rnéss<t:belt>}}, {{root|rad|lnk-pro|tʰarn-|(s)nep-}} equivalent to {{affix|rad|þrans|rnies}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=þarnieg |dat=þarníva |pl=þarníe |genpl=þarnỉs |cpd=þarnie-|cpd2=þarní- |adj=þarnỉș |label=count}} # {{label|rad|astrology}} {{eng|zodiac}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|þa...")
  • 00:52, 31 October 2024Tedxente (hist | edit) ‎[550 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{root|rad|lnk-pro|cʼeg-}} From the old {{g|dual}} of {{m|rad|tedxa|t=fish}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Proper noun === {{rad-propnoun|head=*i* Tedxente |an|p |genpl-du=Tedxentis }} # {{label|rad|astrology}} {{eng|Pisces}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=dupl|Tedx|e|def=1|g=an}} ==== Translations ==== {{t|rad|Pisces |lfv=*žøllund* }} ==== See also ==== {{Table:zodiac/rad}}")
  • 21:47, 30 October 2024þøþ (hist | edit) ‎[593 bytes]Ashucky (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Laefevian == === Etymology === {{root|lfv|lnk-pro|steb-}} {{root|lfv|lfv|þøþ-}} From {{inherit|lfv|lfv-pro|stʰeβtʰəh}}, from {{inherit|lfv|lnk-pro|steb-|stebtʰes|t=juice, sap}}. === Pronunciation === {{lfv-pr}} * {{rhymes|lfv|øθ}} === Noun === {{lfv-noun|acc=þøþe|dat=þøþun|du=þøþund|pl=þøþir}} # {{eng|soup}} # {{eng|broth}} {{topic|lfv|Food and drinks}} {{lfv-noex}} ==== Declension ==== {{lfv-dec-nc|þøþ|u}} {{lfv-noinfl}} ==== Translatio...")
  • 20:47, 30 October 2024spráþs (hist | edit) ‎[625 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|spráþs}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|sprāþro}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|spārθur}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|spṓrthus}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|spowr-|spowrtʰos}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|spowr-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=spruosk |pl=spráðe |cpd=spráþ-|cpd2=sprás-|cpd3=spráð- |adj=sprúðiș |label=count and uncount}} # {{eng|broth}} # {{eng|...")
  • 20:32, 30 October 2024pástraþs (hist | edit) ‎[333 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === Dissimilation. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|pʼadʱ-|spowr-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=pástrusk |dat=pástruða|dat2=pástroða |pl=pástrûðe |adj=pástruðiș |label=count and uncount}} # {{form of|rad|páspruþs|t=onion soup}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|pástr|u|þ|altdat=pástroða|altins=pástroðúr|altgenpl=pástroðiris|altgenpl_short=pástroðis|altdatpl=pástroðirín|altaccpl=pástro...") originally created as "pástruþs"
  • 00:37, 30 October 2024páspraþs (hist | edit) ‎[762 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|plásspruþs}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|prāðspruþro}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|pārðspurθur|t=leek/onion soup}}, {{root|rad|lnk-pro|pʼadʱ-|spowr-}} equivalent to {{affix|rad|prázs<t:leek>|spruoþs<t:soup>}}. The loss of the {{tipa|/l/}} is a dialectal development. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=pásprusk |dat=páspruða|dat2=pásproða |pl=pásprûðe |...") originally created as "páspruþs"
  • 23:55, 27 October 2024horyeș (hist | edit) ‎[745 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|hurǿșș}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|hurø̄šþs}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|huręšθs|t=court}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|khuḏø̄́chthəs|t=forum, court}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|dæwcʰ-|kʰodæwcʰtʰæs}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|dæwcʰ-}} {{cog|rad|ryn=kuŗiotta<t:parliament>|lfv=kŵøst<t:house of parliament>}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=horye...")
  • 23:50, 27 October 2024ryeș (hist | edit) ‎[440 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{bf|rad|horyeș}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-m|hurǿșș}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|hurø̄šþs}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|huręšθs|t=court}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|khuḏø̄́chthəs|t=forum, court}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|dæwcʰ-|kʰodæwcʰtʰæs}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|dæwcʰ-}} {{cog|rad|ryn=kuŗiotta<t:parliament>|lfv=kŵøst<t:house of parliament>}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad...")
  • 23:09, 27 October 2024stjásga (hist | edit) ‎[537 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{affix|rad|stjásns<t:punishment>|-ga<pos:augmentative>}} {{root|rad|lnk-pro|skæjtʼ-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr|<ștjásga>}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=stjásgusk |pl=stjásgore |cpd=stjásgu-|cpd2=stjásgo- |adj=stjásguș |label=count}} # {{label|rad|law}} {{eng|sentence}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|stjásg|o}}")
  • 22:58, 27 October 2024stjásdes (hist | edit) ‎[422 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{affix|rad|stjásns<t:punishment>|des<t:deed>}} {{root|rad|lnk-pro|skæjtʼ-|ⁿdet-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr|<ștjásdes>}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=stjásdisk |pl=stjásdese |cpd=stjásdes- |adj=stjásdisiș |label=count}} # {{label|rad|formal|law}} {{eng|crime}}, {{eng|criminal offence}} #: {{synonyms|rad|rívus}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|stjásd|e^i|s}}")
  • 22:25, 27 October 2024strjácat (hist | edit) ‎[1,180 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|strêht}}, {{m|rad-m|nobold=true|strêcatt}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|scrêhtt}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|scêrktht|t=to condemn, to convict}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|skɛ̄́skət}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|skæjtʼ-|skæjskætʼ-}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|skæjtʼ-}} The radical stem has been levelled with the raised stem. {{doublet|rad|strjảt}}, which was interchangeable with {{m|rad|strj...")
  • 22:11, 27 October 2024strjảt (hist | edit) ‎[900 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|strêht}}, {{m|rad-m|nobold=true|strêcatt}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|scrêhtt}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|scêrktht|t=to condemn, to convict}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|skɛ̄́skət}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|skæjtʼ-|skæjskætʼ-}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|skæjtʼ-}} {{doublet|rad|strjácat}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Verb === {{rad-verb |npst-1s=strjảte |pst-1s=strjảsei |pr...")
  • 22:03, 27 October 2024stjásns (hist | edit) ‎[879 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|scêsns}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|scêtŭns}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|scêtıns|t=punishment, torture}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|skɛ̄́tənəs}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|skæjtʼ-|skæjtʼænæs}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|skæjtʼ-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr|<ștjásns>}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=stjásg|gen2=stjáteng |pl=stjásne|pl2=stjátûne |cpd=stjásn- |adj=stjáteniș...")
  • 21:52, 27 October 2024stjásurrut (hist | edit) ‎[508 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == {{nth|rad|3000}} === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|stêtunrutt}}, from {{affix|nocat=1|rad-m|stêsns|-rutt}}, {{root|rad|lnk-pro|skæjtʼ-}} equivalent to {{affix|rad|stjásns|-rut}}. === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Verb === {{rad-verb |npst-1s=stjásurrui |pst-1s=stjásurruei |prespart=stjásurruivú |pspart=stjásurrủl |vn=stjásurrunș |label=tr}} # to {{eng|punish}} {{+|rad|:ha(acc)<for something>}} ==== Conjugation ==== {{rad-con...")
  • 17:54, 27 October 2024ñwêþuoha (hist | edit) ‎[625 bytes]Ashucky (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Laefevian == === Etymology === {{root|lfv|lnk-pro|(s)ŋwajʔ-}} {{root|lfv|lfv|ñwêþ-}} From {{affix|lfv|ñwêþ|-uoha|t1=vest, shirt|pos2=augmentative suffix}}. === Pronunciation === {{lfv-pr}} * {{rhymes|lfv|ɛθuoxa|a}} * {{hyphens|lfv|ñwê|þuo|ha}} === Noun === {{lfv-noun|acc=ñwêþuohe|dat=ñwêþuohan|du=ñwêþuohand|pl=ñwêþuohar}} # {{label|lfv|clothing}} {{eng|jumper}}, {{eng|sweater}}, {{eng|pullover}} Category:Laefevian augmentative nouns {{...")
  • 17:46, 27 October 2024ñwêtlinj (hist | edit) ‎[564 bytes]Ashucky (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Laefevian == === Etymology === {{root|lfv|lnk-pro|(s)ŋwajʔ-}} {{root|lfv|lfv|ñwêþ-}} From {{affix|lfv|ñwêþ|-inj|t1=vest, shirt|pos2=diminutive suffix}}. === Pronunciation === {{lfv-pr}} * {{rhymes|lfv|ɛɬiɲ}} * {{hyphens|lfv|ñwê|tlinj}} === Noun === {{lfv-noun|acc=ñwêtlinje|dat=ñwêtlinjen|du=ñwêtlinjend|pl=ñwêtlinjer|pl2=ñwêtlinjir}} # {{label|lfv|clothing}} {{eng|T-shirt}} Category:Laefevian diminutive nouns {{lfv-noex}} ==== Declension...")
  • 16:29, 27 October 2024azbut (hist | edit) ‎[885 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-o|azbutt}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|aðbɣht}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|ádhəḇgh-}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|ʔ(w)agʱ-|ʔ(w)adʱabgʱ-}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|ʔ(w)agʱ-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Verb === {{rad-verb |npst-1s=azbui |pst-1s=azbuei |prespart=azbuivú |pspart=azbủl |vn=azbunș |label=tr}} # {{label|rad|archaic}} to {{eng|hang}}, to {{eng|suspend}} #: {{synonyms|r...")
  • 16:16, 27 October 2024rinwirs (hist | edit) ‎[469 bytes]Ashucky (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Laefevian == === Etymology === {{root|lfv|lnk-pro|rejn-}} {{root|lfv|lfv|rin-}} From {{affix|lfv|rinad|-wirs|t1=to live|pos2=substance suffix}}. === Pronunciation === {{lfv-pr}} * {{rhymes|lfv|inwirs}} * {{hyphens|lfv|rin|wirs}} === Noun === {{lfv-noun|acc=rinwirhe|dat=rinwirhun|du=rinwirhund|pl=rinwirhir}} # {{eng|vitamin}} {{lfv-noex}} ==== Declension ==== {{lfv-dec-ls|rinwirs|rinwirh|u}} {{lfv-noinfl}} ==== Translations ==== {{translations|lfv|vitamin }}")
  • 12:35, 27 October 2024daloryvuozs (hist | edit) ‎[353 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{affix|rad|dala|ryvuozs}} {{root|rad|lnk-pro|ⁿdem-|rwek-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=daloryvuozg |pl=daloryvuoze |adj=daloryvúziș |label=count and uncount}} # {{label|rad|surgery}} {{eng|mastectomy}}, {{eng|mammectomy}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|daloryv|ú~uo|z}}")
  • 19:19, 26 October 2024redvaruot (hist | edit) ‎[519 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{aff|rad|re-|dvaruot}} {{root|rad|lnk-pro|dwom-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Verb === {{rad-verb |npst-1s=redvarúe |pst-1s=redvaruvei |prespart=redvaruvivú |pspart=redvarúk |vn=redvaruvaș |label=intr, deponent}} # to {{eng|apologise}} {{+|rad|:an(gen)<for something>}} ==== Usage notes ==== * This verb is {{g|deponent}} and conjugates as a passive verb. ==== Conjugation ==== {{rad-conj |redva |r }} ==== Related terms...")
  • 18:42, 26 October 2024dzebjús (hist | edit) ‎[584 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{affix|rad|dzabt<t:to swell>|-jús}} {{root|rad|lnk-pro|ᵑgæb-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=dzebjuvu |pl=dzebjúe |cpd=dzebjú-|cpd2=dzebjuo-|cpd3=dzebjuv- |adj=dzebjuviș |label=count and uncount}} # {{eng|inflammation}}, {{eng|swelling}} # {{label|rad|pathology}} {{eng|-itis}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|dzebj|u|v}} ==== Derived terms ==== {{columns|rad |dzebjús zrezvaișe<t:appendic...")
  • 18:01, 26 October 2024zrezvaiș (hist | edit) ‎[286 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{affix|rad|zrezvai|-ș}} {{root|rad|lnk-pro|dʱajrkʰ-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Adjective === {{rad-adj |label=uncomp}} # {{label|rad|anat}} of or pertaining to the {{eng|appendix}} ==== Inflection ==== {{rad-decl|t=adj|zrezvai|ș}}")
  • 17:59, 26 October 2024zrezvaișe (hist | edit) ‎[114 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Adjective === {{head|rad|adjective form }} # {{rad-adj-e}}")
  • 17:58, 26 October 2024dzebjús zrezvaișe (hist | edit) ‎[273 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == {{root|rad|lnk-pro|ᵑgæb-|dʱajrkʰ-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=dzebjuvu zrezvaișk |label=uncount}} # {{label|rad|pathology}} {{eng|appendicitis}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|dzebj|u|v|adj=zrezvaiș}}")
  • 17:38, 26 October 2024lezølliș (hist | edit) ‎[317 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{affix|rad|lezvans|-liș}} {{root|rad|lnk-pro|læh-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Adjective === {{rad-adj |cmp=lezvanvuobș |adv=lezøllí |label=comp}} # {{eng|gruesome}}, {{eng|horrifying}} ==== Inflection ==== {{rad-comp|lezvanv|adj}} {{rad-decl|t=adj|lezølli|ș}}")
  • 16:56, 26 October 2024lezvans (hist | edit) ‎[615 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|lezzvans}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|leððwænss}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|lehðwænhs}}, from {{affix|nocat=1|rad-pro|lehðor<t:gut>|-ænhs<pos:collective>}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|læh-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=lezveng|gen2=lezøng |adj=lezvenjeș |label=uncount}} # {{label|rad|anat}} {{eng|viscera}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|t=sg|lezv|a^e|nḤ|a...")
  • 16:48, 26 October 2024leza (hist | edit) ‎[647 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === From {{inherit|rad|rad-m|lezzra}}, from {{inherit|rad|rad-o|leððra}}, inherited from {{inherit|rad|rad-pro|lehðor}}, from {{inherit|rad|hrd-pro|lehdhós}}, from {{inherit|rad|lnk-pro|læh-|lĭhdʱós}}. {{root|rad|lnk-pro|læh-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=lezusk |pl=lezore |cpd=lezu-|cpd2=lezo- |adj=lezuș |label=count}} # {{label|rad|anat}} {{eng|gut}}, {{eng|intestine}} ==== Declension ==...")
  • 16:43, 26 October 2024fjeriș (hist | edit) ‎[219 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Participle === {{head|rad|participle }} # {{inflection of|rad|fjert|t=to conceal|adjectival|act|pres|participle}} ==== Inflection ==== {{rad-decl|t=adj|fjeri|ș}}")
  • 16:43, 26 October 2024fjerișe (hist | edit) ‎[116 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Participle === {{head|rad|participle form }} # {{rad-adj-e}}")
  • 16:40, 26 October 2024leza fjerișe (hist | edit) ‎[296 bytes]TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=lezusk fjerișk |pl=lezore fjerișe |label=count}} # {{label|rad|anat}} {{eng|caecum}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|lez|o|adj=fjeriș}} ==== Related terms ==== {{columns|rad |zrezvai fjerișe<t:appendix> }}")
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