New pages
- 16:38, 26 October 2024 zrezvai fjerișe (hist | edit) [389 bytes] TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=zrezvaisk fjerișk |pl=zrezvaire fjerișe |label=count}} # {{label|rad|anat}} {{eng|appendix}} #: {{synonyms|rad|zrezvai}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|zrezv|ai|adj=fjeriș}} ==== Related terms ==== {{columns|rad |leza fjerișe<t:caecum> }}")
- 16:35, 26 October 2024 zrezvai (hist | edit) [471 bytes] TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{affix|rad|zreza|-ai}} {{root|rad|lnk-pro|dʱajrkʰ-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=zrezvaisk |pl=zrezvaire |cpd=zrezvai- |adj=zrezvaiș |label=count}} # {{form of|rad|zreza|t=tail|dim}} # {{label|rad|anat}} {{eng|appendix}} #: {{synonyms|rad|zrezvai fjerișe}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|zrezv|ai}} ==== Derived terms ==== {{columns|rad |zrezvairyvuozs<t:appendectomy> }}")
- 16:27, 26 October 2024 ryvuozs (hist | edit) [508 bytes] TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{affix|rad|røat<t:to take>|-uozs}} {{root|rad|lnk-pro|rwek-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=ryvuozg |pl=ryvuoze |cpd=ryvuoz-|cpd2=ryvúz- |adj=ryvúziș |label=count and uncount}} # {{eng|taking}}, {{eng|removal}} # {{label|rad|surgery}} {{eng|-ectomy}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|ryv|ú~uo|z}} ==== Derived terms ==== {{columns|rad |zrezvairyvuozs<t:appendectomy> }}")
- 16:26, 26 October 2024 zrezvairyvuozs (hist | edit) [353 bytes] TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{affix|rad|zrezvai|ryvuozs}} {{root|rad|lnk-pro|dʱajrkʰ-|rwek-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=zrezvairyvuozg |pl=zrezvairyvuoze |adj=zrezvairyvúziș |label=count and uncount}} # {{label|rad|surgery}} {{eng|appendectomy}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|zrezvairyv|ú~uo|z}}")
- 15:59, 26 October 2024 rnivuozs (hist | edit) [436 bytes] TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{affix|rad|rneat|-uozs}} {{root|rad|lnk-pro|rwek-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=rnivuozg |pl=rnivuoze |cpd=rnivuoz-|cpd2=rnivúz- |adj=rnivúziș |label=count and uncount}} # {{eng|cutting}}, {{eng|incision}} # {{lb|rad|surgery}} {{eng|-tomy}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|rniv|ú~uo|z}}")
- 15:08, 26 October 2024 djejrnivuozs (hist | edit) [346 bytes] TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{affix|rad|díș|rnivuozs<t:-tomy>}} {{root|rad|lnk-pro|dejgʱ-|rwek-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Noun === {{rad-noun |in |gen=djejrnivuozg |pl=djejrnivuoze |adj=djejrnivúziș |label=count and uncount}} # {{label|rad|surgery}} {{eng|lobotomy}} ==== Declension ==== {{rad-decl|djejrniv|ú~uo|z}}")
- 15:02, 26 October 2024 iþeltens (hist | edit) [472 bytes] Ashucky (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Laefevian == === Etymology === {{root|lfv|lnk-pro|ɟajtʰ-}} {{root|lfv|lfv|iþelt-}} From obsolete {{affix|lfv|iþelt|-ens|t1=tool|t2=-ship, -ness}}. === Pronunciation === {{lfv-pr}} * {{rhymes|lfv|iθeltens|ens}} * {{hyphens|lfv|i|þel|tens}} === Noun === {{lfv-noun|iþeltens|du=iþeltensund|pl=iþeltensir}} # {{eng|technology}} {{lfv-noex}} ==== Declension ==== {{lfv-dec-nc|iþeltens|u}} {{lfv-noinfl}} ==== Translations ==== {{translations|lfv|technology }}")
- 14:57, 26 October 2024 nempient (hist | edit) [454 bytes] Ashucky (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Laefevian == === Etymology === {{root|lfv|lnk-pro|(s)nep-}} {{root|lfv|lfv|nemp-}} From {{affix|lfv|nempe|-ent|t1=skill|pos2=collective suffix}}. === Pronunciation === {{lfv-pr}} * {{rhymes|lfv|empient}} * {{hyphens|lfv|nem|pi|ent}} === Noun === {{lfv-noun|nempient|du=nempientund|pl=nempientir}} # {{eng|technique}} {{lfv-noex}} ==== Declension ==== {{lfv-dec-nc|nempient|u}} {{lfv-noinfl}} ==== Translations ==== {{translations|lfv|technique }}")
- 14:36, 26 October 2024 anstirált (hist | edit) [473 bytes] TheNightAvl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Radestrian == === Etymology === {{aff|rad|an-<a:1>|stirált}} {{root|rad|lnk-pro|stæ(j)l-}} === Pronunciation === {{rad-pr}} === Verb === {{rad-verb |npst-1s=anstirálge |pst-1s=anstirílei |prespart=anstirálivú |pspart=anstirávúl |vn=anstirávaș |label=intr}} # to {{eng|camp}} # to go {{eng|camping}} ==== Conjugation ==== {{rad-conj|pre=anstir |ált |álg|pl=jelg |íl |áli |áv |t=intr }}")