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local export = {}
local export = {}
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs

local m_languages = require("Module:languages")
-- DATA --
local m_parameters = require("Module:parameters")
local params = {
local grapheme = {
[1] = {required = true},
["a"] = true, ["á"] = true, ["à"] = true, ["â"] = true, ["ả"] = true, ["ai"] = true, ["âi"] = true, ["ao"] = true, ["ào"] = true, ["aoi"] = true, ["au"] = true, ["b"] = true, ["c"] = true, ["d"] = true, ["ð"] = true, ["dx"] = true, ["dz"] = true, ["e"] = true, ["é"] = true, ["è"] = true, ["ea"] = true, ["ei"] = true, ["f"] = true, ["g"] = true, ["h"] = true, ["ħ"] = true, ["i"] = true, ["í"] = true, ["ỉ"] = true, ["ie"] = true, ["ìe"] = true, ["ỉe"] = true, ["iea"] = true, ["j"] = true, ["ĵ"] = true, ["k"] = true, ["ķ"] = true, ["l"] = true, ["m"] = true, ["n"] = true, ["ņ"] = true, ["o"] = true, ["ó"] = true, ["ò"] = true, ["ø"] = true, ["oa"] = true, ["øa"] = true, ["øi"] = true, ["p"] = true, ["q"] = true, ["r"] = true, ["s"] = true, ["ș"] = true, ["t"] = true, ["ts"] = true, ["tș"] = true, ["u"] = true, ["ú"] = true, ["ù"] = true, ["û"] = true, ["ū"] = true, ["ủ"] = true, ["ui"] = true, ["uo"] = true, ["ủo"] = true, ["uoa"] = true, ["v"] = true, ["w"] = true, ["x"] = true, ["y"] = true, ["ỳ"] = true, ["ý"] = true, ["ỷ"] = true, ["ye"] = true, ["ỷe"] = true, ["yea"] = true, ["z"] = true, ["þ"] = true,
[2] = {list = true, allow_empty = true},
["caption"] = {},
["gj"] = true, ["lj"] = true,
local vowel = {
["a"] = true, ["á"] = true, ["à"] = true, ["â"] = true, ["ả"] = true, ["ai"] = true, ["âi"] = true, ["ao"] = true, ["ào"] = true, ["aoi"] = true, ["au"] = true, ["e"] = true, ["é"] = true, ["è"] = true, ["ea"] = true, ["ei"] = true, ["i"] = true, ["í"] = true, ["ỉ"] = true, ["ie"] = true, ["ìe"] = true, ["ỉe"] = true, ["iea"] = true, ["o"] = true, ["ó"] = true, ["ò"] = true, ["ø"] = true, ["oa"] = true, ["øa"] = true, ["øi"] = true, ["u"] = true, ["ú"] = true, ["ù"] = true, ["û"] = true, ["ū"] = true, ["ủ"] = true, ["ui"] = true, ["uo"] = true, ["ủo"] = true, ["uoa"] = true, ["y"] = true, ["ỳ"] = true, ["ý"] = true, ["ỷ"] = true, ["ye"] = true, ["ỷe"] = true, ["yea"] = true,
local consonant = {
["b"] = true, ["c"] = true, ["d"] = true, ["ð"] = true, ["dx"] = true, ["dz"] = true, ["f"] = true, ["g"] = true, ["h"] = true, ["ħ"] = true, ["j"] = true, ["ĵ"] = true, ["k"] = true, ["ķ"] = true, ["l"] = true, ["m"] = true, ["n"] = true, ["ņ"] = true, ["p"] = true, ["q"] = true, ["r"] = true, ["s"] = true, ["ș"] = true, ["t"] = true, ["ts"] = true, ["tș"] = true, ["v"] = true, ["w"] = true, ["x"] = true, ["z"] = true, ["þ"] = true,
["gj"] = true, ["lj"] = true,
local affix = {
["·"] = true, ["-"] = true, ["’"] = true, [""] = true,
local nasal = {
["m"] = true, ["n"] = true, ["ņ"] = true,
local glide = {
["j"] = true, ["ĵ"] = true, ["w"] = true,
["gj"] = true, ["lj"] = true,
local Cv_fixed = { -- <Cv> combinations that uniformly pronounced without /v/ --
["b"] = true,
["f"] = true,
["p"] = true,
local Cr = { -- consonants that can precede /r/ in a medial onset --
["p"] = true, ["k"] = true, ["b"] = true, ["g"] = true,
["ð"] = true,
["f"] = true, ["ħ"] = true, ["h"] = true,
["v"] = true,
["þ"] = true,
["t"] = true, ["d"] = true,
local Cl = { -- consonants that can precede /l/ in a medial onset --
["p"] = true, ["k"] = true, ["b"] = true, ["g"] = true,
["ð"] = true,
["f"] = true, ["ħ"] = true, ["h"] = true,
["v"] = true,
["þ"] = true,
["s"] = true, ["ș"] = true, ["z"] = true, ["x"] = true,
local Cv = { -- consonants that can precede /v/ in a medial onset --
["d"] = true, ["ð"] = true, ["dz"] = true,
["dʒ"] = true, ["g"] = true, ["ħ"] = true, ["h"] = true,
["k"] = true, ["l"] = true, ["r"] = true, ["s"] = true, ["ș"] = true,
["t"] = true, ["c"] = true, ["ķ"] = true, ["ts"] = true, ["tș"] = true,
["z"] = true, ["x"] = true, ["þ"] = true, ["m"] = true, ["n"] = true,
local CN = { -- consonants that can precede nasals in a medial onset -- (non-glide continuants)
["ð"] = true,
["f"] = true, ["ħ"] = true, ["h"] = true,
["l"] = true, ["r"] = true, ["s"] = true, ["ș"] = true,
["v"] = true,
["z"] = true, ["x"] = true, ["þ"] = true,
local irregular = {
["eurú"] = {"eu", "r", "ú"},
["eurov"] = {"eu", "r", "o", "v"},

function export.make_syllables(language, caption, list)
local irregular_grapheme = { "eu", }
local syllables = ""
local irregular_vowel = { "eu", }
function graphemise(word)
mw.log("————— GRAPHEMISING —————")
local graphemes = {}
while mw.ustring.len(word) > 0 do
local limit = mw.ustring.len(word)
for i = 1, limit do
local orig_string = mw.ustring.sub(word, i)
local check_string = mw.ustring.lower(orig_string)
if irregular[check_string] then
mw.log("Irregular spelling recognised: " .. orig_string)
local capitals = {}
-- get capital data --
for j = 1, #orig_string do
if mw.ustring.sub(orig_string, j, j) == mw.ustring.upper(mw.ustring.sub(check_string, j, j)) then
capitals[j] = true
-- ammend irregular data to match capitals --
local index = 1
for j = 1, #irregular[check_string] do
local new_data = ""
for k = 1, #irregular[check_string][j] do
local letter = mw.ustring.sub(irregular[check_string][j], k, k)
if capitals[index] then
letter = mw.ustring.upper(letter)
new_data = new_data .. letter
index = index + 1
irregular[check_string][j] = new_data
for j = 0, #irregular[check_string] - 1 do
table.insert(graphemes, 1, irregular[check_string][#irregular[check_string] - j])
mw.log("<" .. irregular[check_string][#irregular[check_string] - j] .. "> logged.")
word = mw.ustring.sub(word, 1, i - 1)
elseif grapheme[check_string] then
table.insert(graphemes, 1, orig_string)
mw.log("<" .. orig_string .. "> logged.")
word = mw.ustring.sub(word, 1, i - 1)
elseif mw.ustring.len(check_string) == 1 then
table.insert(graphemes, 1, orig_string)
mw.log("<" .. orig_string .. "> logged.")
word = mw.ustring.sub(word, 1, i - 1)
mw.log("String exhausted.")
mw.log("<" .. table.concat(graphemes, "><") .. ">")
return graphemes
function syllabify(graphemes)
mw.log("————— SYLLABIFYING —————")
for _, g in ipairs(irregular_grapheme) do
grapheme[g] = true
for _, g in ipairs(irregular_vowel) do
vowel[g] = true
local function swap(Pos1, Pos2)
mw.log(graphemes[Pos1] .. " ↔ " .. graphemes[Pos2] .. " at position " .. Pos1)
local temp = graphemes[Pos1]
graphemes[Pos1] = graphemes[Pos2]
graphemes[Pos2] = temp
local i = 1
local i = 1
local n_i = 1
while list[i] do
while true do -- add σ before each vowel
if list[i] == "" then
syllables = syllables .. ", "
if graphemes[i] == nil then break end
n_i = 1
if vowel[mw.ustring.lower(graphemes[i])] then
table.insert(graphemes, i, "σ")
mw.log("σ inserted in position " .. i)
i = i + 2
if n_i > 1 then syllables = syllables .. "·" end
i = i + 1
syllables = syllables .. list[i]
n_i = n_i + 1
i = #graphemes
while true do
local g_current = graphemes[i]
local g_after = graphemes[i+1]
local g_prev = graphemes[i-1]
local g_prev2 = graphemes[i-2]
local g_prev3 = graphemes[i-3]
if g_current then
g_current = mw.ustring.lower(g_current)
if g_after then
g_after = mw.ustring.lower(g_after)
if g_prev then
g_prev = mw.ustring.lower(g_prev)
if g_prev2 then
g_prev2 = mw.ustring.lower(g_prev2)
if g_prev3 then
g_prev3 = mw.ustring.lower(g_prev3)
-- J ↔ σ
if glide[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and vowel[g_after] then
swap(i, i-1)
-- (J · ) ↔ σ
elseif glide[g_prev2] and affix[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and vowel[g_after] then
swap(i, i-1)
swap(i-1, i-2)
-- C ↔ σ (J)
elseif consonant[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and (vowel[g_after] or glide[g_after]) then
swap(i, i-1)
elseif consonant[g_prev2] and affix[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and (vowel[g_after] or glide[g_after]) then
swap(i, i-1)
swap(i-1, i-2)
-- C Cᵥ ↔ σ v
elseif consonant[g_prev2] and Cv[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and g_after == "v" then
swap(i, i-1)
elseif consonant[g_prev3] and Cv[g_prev2] and affix[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and g_after == "v" then
swap(i, i-1)
swap(i-1, i-2)
-- Bv ↔ σ v
elseif Cv_fixed[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and g_after == "v" then
swap(i, i-1)
elseif Cv_fixed[g_prev2] and affix[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and g_after == "v" then
swap(i, i-1)
swap(i-1, i-2)
-- C Cₙ ↔ σ N
elseif consonant[g_prev2] and CN[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and nasal[g_after] then
swap(i, i-1)
elseif consonant[g_prev3] and CN[g_prev2] and affix[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and nasal[g_after] then
swap(i, i-1)
swap(i-1, i-2)
-- C Cᵣ ↔ σ r
elseif consonant[g_prev2] and Cr[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and g_after == "r" then
swap(i, i-1)
elseif consonant[g_prev3] and Cr[g_prev2] and affix[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and g_after == "r" then
swap(i, i-1)
swap(i-1, i-2)
-- C Cₗ ↔ σ l
elseif consonant[g_prev2] and Cl[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and g_after == "l" then
swap(i, i-1)
elseif consonant[g_prev3] and Cl[g_prev2] and affix[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and g_after == "l" then
swap(i, i-1)
swap(i-1, i-2)
elseif g_current == "σ" then
if i == 1 then
table.remove(graphemes, 1)
for j = 1, i-1 do
if vowel[mw.ustring.lower(graphemes[i - j])] or graphemes[i - j] == "σ" then
elseif i - j == 1 then
table.remove(graphemes, i)
elseif not affix[graphemes[i-j]] and not consonant[mw.ustring.lower(graphemes[i-j])] then
table.remove(graphemes, i)
if i > 1 then
i = i - 1
else break
i = i + 1
return caption .. ': <span style="font-size:110%;">' .. syllables .. '</span>'
return graphemes

function export.show_syllables(frame)
local args = m_parameters.process(frame:getParent().args, params)
function export.generate(frame)
return export.make_syllables(m_languages.get_by_code(args[1]), args["caption"] or "Syllabification", args[2])
local args = getArgs(frame)
if args[1] == nil then
error("Word needed")
local outputSyllables = args[1]
outputSyllables = graphemise(outputSyllables)
outputSyllables = syllabify(outputSyllables)
local divider = args[2]
if divider == nil then
divider = "|"
outputSyllables = table.concat(outputSyllables)
outputSyllables = mw.ustring.gsub(outputSyllables, "(σ)", divider)
return outputSyllables

function export.show_hyphens(frame)
function export.generate_array(frame)
local args = m_parameters.process(frame:getParent().args, params)
local args = getArgs(frame)
return export.make_syllables(m_languages.get_by_code(args[1]), args["caption"] or "Hyphenation", args[2])
if args[1] == nil then
error("Word needed")
local outputSyllables = args[1]
outputSyllables = graphemise(outputSyllables)
outputSyllables = syllabify(outputSyllables)
return outputSyllables

return export
return export
Debug console test string:

Revision as of 04:06, 22 August 2023

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:syllables/documentation

local export = {}
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs

-- DATA --

local grapheme = {
	["a"] = true, ["á"] = true, ["à"] = true, ["â"] = true, ["ả"] = true, ["ai"] = true, ["âi"] = true, ["ao"] = true, ["ào"] = true, ["aoi"] = true, ["au"] = true, ["b"] = true, ["c"] = true, ["d"] = true, ["ð"] = true, ["dx"] = true, ["dz"] = true, ["e"] = true, ["é"] = true, ["è"] = true, ["ea"] = true, ["ei"] = true, ["f"] = true, ["g"] = true, ["h"] = true, ["ħ"] = true, ["i"] = true, ["í"] = true, ["ỉ"] = true, ["ie"] = true, ["ìe"] = true, ["ỉe"] = true, ["iea"] = true, ["j"] = true, ["ĵ"] = true, ["k"] = true, ["ķ"] = true, ["l"] = true, ["m"] = true, ["n"] = true, ["ņ"] = true, ["o"] = true, ["ó"] = true, ["ò"] = true, ["ø"] = true, ["oa"] = true, ["øa"] = true, ["øi"] = true, ["p"] = true, ["q"] = true, ["r"] = true, ["s"] = true, ["ș"] = true, ["t"] = true, ["ts"] = true, ["tș"] = true, ["u"] = true, ["ú"] = true, ["ù"] = true, ["û"] = true, ["ū"] = true, ["ủ"] = true, ["ui"] = true, ["uo"] = true, ["ủo"] = true, ["uoa"] = true, ["v"] = true, ["w"] = true, ["x"] = true, ["y"] = true, ["ỳ"] = true, ["ý"] = true, ["ỷ"] = true, ["ye"] = true, ["ỷe"] = true, ["yea"] = true, ["z"] = true, ["þ"] = true,
	["gj"] = true, ["lj"] = true,

local vowel = {
	["a"] = true, ["á"] = true, ["à"] = true, ["â"] = true, ["ả"] = true, ["ai"] = true, ["âi"] = true, ["ao"] = true, ["ào"] = true, ["aoi"] = true, ["au"] = true, ["e"] = true, ["é"] = true, ["è"] = true, ["ea"] = true, ["ei"] = true, ["i"] = true, ["í"] = true, ["ỉ"] = true, ["ie"] = true, ["ìe"] = true, ["ỉe"] = true, ["iea"] = true, ["o"] = true, ["ó"] = true, ["ò"] = true, ["ø"] = true, ["oa"] = true, ["øa"] = true, ["øi"] = true, ["u"] = true, ["ú"] = true, ["ù"] = true, ["û"] = true, ["ū"] = true, ["ủ"] = true, ["ui"] = true, ["uo"] = true, ["ủo"] = true, ["uoa"] = true, ["y"] = true, ["ỳ"] = true, ["ý"] = true, ["ỷ"] = true, ["ye"] = true, ["ỷe"] = true, ["yea"] = true,

local consonant = {
	["b"] = true, ["c"] = true, ["d"] = true, ["ð"] = true, ["dx"] = true, ["dz"] = true, ["f"] = true, ["g"] = true, ["h"] = true, ["ħ"] = true, ["j"] = true, ["ĵ"] = true, ["k"] = true, ["ķ"] = true, ["l"] = true, ["m"] = true, ["n"] = true, ["ņ"] = true, ["p"] = true, ["q"] = true, ["r"] = true, ["s"] = true, ["ș"] = true, ["t"] = true, ["ts"] = true, ["tș"] = true, ["v"] = true, ["w"] = true, ["x"] = true, ["z"] = true, ["þ"] = true,
	["gj"] = true, ["lj"] = true,

local affix = {
	["·"] = true, ["-"] = true, ["’"] = true, ["‘"] = true,

local nasal = {
	["m"] = true, ["n"] = true, ["ņ"] = true, 
local glide = {
	["j"] = true, ["ĵ"] = true, ["w"] = true,
	["gj"] = true, ["lj"] = true,

local Cv_fixed = { -- <Cv> combinations that uniformly pronounced without /v/ --
	["b"] = true,
	["f"] = true,
	["p"] = true, 

local Cr = { -- consonants that can precede /r/ in a medial onset --
	["p"] = true, ["k"] = true, ["b"] = true, ["g"] = true, 
	["ð"] = true,
	["f"] = true, ["ħ"] = true, ["h"] = true,
	["v"] = true,
	["þ"] = true, 
	["t"] = true, ["d"] = true,

local Cl = { -- consonants that can precede /l/ in a medial onset --
	["p"] = true, ["k"] = true, ["b"] = true, ["g"] = true, 
	["ð"] = true,
	["f"] = true, ["ħ"] = true, ["h"] = true,
	["v"] = true,
	["þ"] = true, 
	["s"] = true, ["ș"] = true, ["z"] = true, ["x"] = true, 

local Cv = { -- consonants that can precede /v/ in a medial onset --
	["d"] = true, ["ð"] = true, ["dz"] = true,
	["dʒ"] = true, ["g"] = true, ["ħ"] = true, ["h"] = true,
	["k"] = true, ["l"] = true, ["r"] = true, ["s"] = true, ["ș"] = true,
	["t"] = true, ["c"] = true, ["ķ"] = true, ["ts"] = true, ["tș"] = true, 
	["z"] = true, ["x"] = true, ["þ"] = true, ["m"] = true, ["n"] = true, 

local CN = { -- consonants that can precede nasals in a medial onset -- (non-glide continuants)
	["ð"] = true,
	["f"] = true, ["ħ"] = true, ["h"] = true,
	["l"] = true, ["r"] = true, ["s"] = true, ["ș"] = true,
	["v"] = true,
	["z"] = true, ["x"] = true, ["þ"] = true, 

local irregular = {
	["eurú"] = {"eu", "r", "ú"},
	["eurov"] = {"eu", "r", "o", "v"},

local irregular_grapheme = { "eu", }
local irregular_vowel = { "eu", }

function graphemise(word)
	mw.log("————— GRAPHEMISING —————")

	local graphemes = {}
	while mw.ustring.len(word) > 0 do
		local limit = mw.ustring.len(word)
		for i = 1, limit do
			local orig_string = mw.ustring.sub(word, i)
			local check_string = mw.ustring.lower(orig_string)
			if irregular[check_string] then
				mw.log("Irregular spelling recognised: " .. orig_string)
				local capitals = {}
				-- get capital data --
				for j = 1, #orig_string do
					if mw.ustring.sub(orig_string, j, j) == mw.ustring.upper(mw.ustring.sub(check_string, j, j)) then
						capitals[j] = true
				-- ammend irregular data to match capitals -- 
				local index = 1
				for j = 1, #irregular[check_string] do
					local new_data = ""
					for k = 1, #irregular[check_string][j] do
						local letter = mw.ustring.sub(irregular[check_string][j], k, k)
						if capitals[index] then
							letter = mw.ustring.upper(letter)
						new_data = new_data .. letter
						index = index + 1
					irregular[check_string][j] = new_data
				for j = 0, #irregular[check_string] - 1 do
					table.insert(graphemes, 1, irregular[check_string][#irregular[check_string] - j])
					mw.log("<" .. irregular[check_string][#irregular[check_string] - j] .. "> logged.")
				word = mw.ustring.sub(word, 1, i - 1)
			elseif grapheme[check_string] then
				table.insert(graphemes, 1, orig_string)
				mw.log("<" .. orig_string .. "> logged.")
				word = mw.ustring.sub(word, 1, i - 1)
			elseif mw.ustring.len(check_string) == 1 then
				table.insert(graphemes, 1, orig_string)
				mw.log("<" .. orig_string .. "> logged.")
				word = mw.ustring.sub(word, 1, i - 1)
	mw.log("String exhausted.")

	mw.log("<" .. table.concat(graphemes, "><") .. ">")
	return graphemes

function syllabify(graphemes)
	mw.log("————— SYLLABIFYING —————")
	for _, g in ipairs(irregular_grapheme) do
		grapheme[g] = true
	for _, g in ipairs(irregular_vowel) do
		vowel[g] = true
	local function swap(Pos1, Pos2)
		mw.log(graphemes[Pos1] .. " ↔ " .. graphemes[Pos2] .. " at position " .. Pos1)
		local temp = graphemes[Pos1]
		graphemes[Pos1] = graphemes[Pos2]
		graphemes[Pos2] = temp

	local i = 1
	while true do -- add σ before each vowel
		if graphemes[i] == nil then break end
		if vowel[mw.ustring.lower(graphemes[i])] then
			table.insert(graphemes, i, "σ")
			mw.log("σ inserted in position " .. i)
			i = i + 2
			i = i + 1
	i = #graphemes
	while true do
		local g_current = graphemes[i]
		local g_after = graphemes[i+1]
		local g_prev = graphemes[i-1]
		local g_prev2 = graphemes[i-2]
		local g_prev3 = graphemes[i-3]
		if g_current then
			g_current = mw.ustring.lower(g_current)
		if g_after then
			g_after = mw.ustring.lower(g_after)
		if g_prev then
			g_prev = mw.ustring.lower(g_prev)
		if g_prev2 then
			g_prev2 = mw.ustring.lower(g_prev2)
		if g_prev3 then
			g_prev3 = mw.ustring.lower(g_prev3)
		-- J ↔ σ
		if glide[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and vowel[g_after] then
			swap(i, i-1)
		-- (J · ) ↔ σ
		elseif glide[g_prev2] and affix[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and vowel[g_after] then
			swap(i, i-1)
			swap(i-1, i-2)
		-- C ↔ σ (J)
		elseif consonant[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and (vowel[g_after] or glide[g_after]) then
			swap(i, i-1)
		elseif consonant[g_prev2] and affix[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and (vowel[g_after] or glide[g_after]) then
			swap(i, i-1)
			swap(i-1, i-2)
		-- C Cᵥ ↔ σ v	
		elseif consonant[g_prev2] and Cv[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and g_after == "v" then
			swap(i, i-1)
		elseif consonant[g_prev3] and Cv[g_prev2] and affix[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and g_after == "v" then
			swap(i, i-1)
			swap(i-1, i-2)
		-- Bv ↔ σ v
		elseif Cv_fixed[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and g_after == "v" then
			swap(i, i-1)
		elseif Cv_fixed[g_prev2] and affix[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and g_after == "v" then
			swap(i, i-1)
			swap(i-1, i-2)
		-- C Cₙ ↔ σ N
		elseif consonant[g_prev2] and CN[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and nasal[g_after] then
			swap(i, i-1)
		elseif consonant[g_prev3] and CN[g_prev2] and affix[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and nasal[g_after] then
			swap(i, i-1)
			swap(i-1, i-2)
		-- C Cᵣ ↔ σ r
		elseif consonant[g_prev2] and Cr[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and g_after == "r" then
			swap(i, i-1)
		elseif consonant[g_prev3] and Cr[g_prev2] and affix[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and g_after == "r" then
			swap(i, i-1)
			swap(i-1, i-2)
		-- C Cₗ ↔ σ l
		elseif consonant[g_prev2] and Cl[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and g_after == "l" then
			swap(i, i-1)
		elseif consonant[g_prev3] and Cl[g_prev2] and affix[g_prev] and g_current == "σ" and g_after == "l" then
			swap(i, i-1)
			swap(i-1, i-2)
		elseif g_current == "σ" then
			if i == 1 then
				table.remove(graphemes, 1)
				for j = 1, i-1 do
					if vowel[mw.ustring.lower(graphemes[i - j])] or graphemes[i - j] == "σ" then
					elseif i - j == 1 then
						table.remove(graphemes, i)
					elseif not affix[graphemes[i-j]] and not consonant[mw.ustring.lower(graphemes[i-j])] then
						table.remove(graphemes, i)
		if i > 1 then
			i = i - 1
		else break
	return graphemes

function export.generate(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	if args[1] == nil then
		error("Word needed")
	local outputSyllables = args[1]
	outputSyllables = graphemise(outputSyllables)
	outputSyllables = syllabify(outputSyllables)
	local divider = args[2]
	if divider == nil then
		divider = "|"

	outputSyllables = table.concat(outputSyllables)
	outputSyllables = mw.ustring.gsub(outputSyllables, "(σ)", divider)

	return outputSyllables

function export.generate_array(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	if args[1] == nil then
		error("Word needed")
	local outputSyllables = args[1]
	outputSyllables = graphemise(outputSyllables)
	outputSyllables = syllabify(outputSyllables)
	return outputSyllables

return export

Debug console test string: